Diversity and Inclusion at PayU India

Our mission is to foster a diverse and inclusive workforce, where each PayUneer is empowered, and helps others feel the same.


of new hires are women in FY22


Female Representation in Feb '22


Our employees score us highly on D&I 

Women for Women

PayU’s private networking platform

PayU’s D&I Statement

Diversity & Inclusion for PayU is in recognizing the uniqueness of one in many, and thriving on the strength of many in one – it is for everyone. At the heart of PayU are PayUneers. And at the core of being a PayUneer is being able to be “U” at the workplace. To truly create a world where everyone can prosper, we must start with ourselves and our workplace. Our goal is to create a diverse & inclusive workplace where people of different cultures, genders, races, physical and mental differences & sexualities can openly be themselves at work. We acknowledge that each PayUneer has a unique identity and experiences. We believe in this variety and dissimilarity, and empower our people to thrive in their uniqueness.

The importance of Diversity and Inclusion at PayU India

At PayU India, we aspire to be a workplace that fosters D&I across cultures, genders, races, physical and mental differences & sexualities. We believe in the power vested in the plurality of experiences, empowering our PayUneers to thrive with their unique identities while imbibing the distinctiveness fueled by our diversity.

We enable continuous learning to ensure each of our PayUneers feel empowered to call out any instance of bias, while embracing conscious inclusivity in our DNA.

How do we do it?

By weaving it back to our core values and encouraging its advocacy with every PayUneer.

Celebrate our Openness

to the diversity of opinions that come from a medley of backgrounds and experiences

Uphold the Integrity

of every PayUneer, by being a supportive colleague, a confidante and bereft of any bias

Take complete Ownership

of being inclusive in our actions

Facilitate unprejudiced Collaboration

with fellow PayUneers, leaders, merchants and partners irrespective of their views and choices

Display uninhibited Courage

to bring our complete honest selves to work; we raise a toast to every PayUneer who can celebrate his/her/their identities and is a true ally

Our Diversity & Inclusion Initiatives

PayU Diversity and Inclusion Council

PayU’s Diversity & Inclusion Council’s goal is to build more diversity at PayU. It has chapters and assigned Country Champions who lead diversity and inclusion initiatives.

Championing the cause of women in fintech

Gender diversity is a core focus area at PayU. As a priority, PayU focussed on improved participation of women at all levels in the organization. Besides our flexible working policies for mothers & proactive referral policies, we hold fireside chats with women leaders & quarterly WOW (Women for women network) townhalls to champion the presence of women in fintech. We also have a mentorship program for upcoming women leaders. During the interview process, we ensure that 30% of shortlisted resumes presented to the hiring manager have to be gender diverse and there is female representation in interview panels every time a candidate is interviewed.
Our P2P process ensures we consider the D&I lens allowing us to avoid gender pay gaps and we have P2P policies in place around maternity leave. Each (people) manager is responsible for implementing the D&I agenda. We offer enhanced maternity benefits and coverage for Infertility Treatment as part of medical portfolio, childcare subsidies, and benefits for working mothers.

PayU recently launched the new chapter in D&I with a 'Women Returnee' program called Return. Reset. Reimagine. Designed in collaboration with @We-ACE, a leading global platform for women aspiring to ace their career, this initiative is aimed at supporting, encouraging & helping women restart their careers with us.

Going Beyond Gender

Our Disability Charter was unveiled in 2021. Over the last year, we have invested in multiple initiatives to solidify our commitment to this cause. We have outlined four specific disability goals that our charter needs to achieve from a D&I perspective:

Increasing awareness on disability

Accessibility audit of our offices by DEOC facilities

Making our products like LazyPay accessible for visually challenged customers

Hiring employees with disabilities

Celebrating the LGBTQ+ community at PayU

PayU is focused on nurturing an inclusive culture and promoting inclusive behaviors. Our core values of openness and courage are a reflection of how we walk the talk. We appreciate openness and honesty and are proud of every PayUneer, who has the courage to bring his/her/their real self at work each day.

In 2021, we had month-long during Pride month, and conducted conversations to generate awareness. PayU offers enhanced medical insurance policy to support employees through processes like hormonal therapy, gender reassignment surgery through medical coverage. LGBTQ persons are covered under all policies and we changed the definition of ‘Family’ from a heteronormative one to a more inclusive one for all policies.